The Catlins Area School The Catlins Area School

Level 2 Electronics & Electrical Engineering

Course Description Recommended Prior Learning Open Entry
This course is for any student that wishes to pursue a vocational pathway in Electrical Engineering or Electronics. In this course you will study: ● Electronic components: Advanced techniques used to interface input sensors and output devices to microprocessors. ● Programming Microprocessors: Programming concepts for embedded microprocessors ● Principles of Electricity (Both low voltage DC and AC concepts) ● Electronics Prototyping: Trialling and testing tools, techniques and components to develop and construct a soldered electronic system.

Learning Areas:

Other Option Choices

Contributions and Equipment/Stationery

This course requires specific resources and electronic components for the construction of embedded electronic systems. It is essential that students have access to a Win7 / Win10 based computer and can afford the course costs for the purchase of electronic equipment
● Course Cost $100